Tuesday, August 26, 2008

College Lie #1: College Degree = Good Job

This Mon. morning before the start of my shift I was talking to Eddie. One of many Eddies who work at my day job.

Eddie said, "If you have a college degree, you can get a good job."

I said, "Eddie, I'll give you $50 if you can tell me where these good jobs are."

Then I added, "I'll give you a $100 if you can help me get one of these good jobs. Because I really need a good job."

But did Eddie know where these good jobs for college graduates like me were? Of course not.

Because they only exist in an imaginary fantasy world. Where imaginary employers pay top dollar for college graduates. Starting salaries of $50K to $100K a year with full benefits.

Can you say, "Full Benefits?" Boys and girls. Plus dental too.

College Lie #1: A college degree = a good job.

The truth is a college degree, depending on where you went and what you studied, may give you a chance to compete for a good job.

A college degree is part of the puzzle. For most, not even a necessary part of the puzzle. For some careers, a college degree is a must. Of course.

With or without that piece of paper, a thousand and one variables can work for you and work against you when you go on your job hunt. Your looks, your height, your weight, your age, your ethnicity, your gender, your social network, or lack thereof, your clothes, your mental state, your social intelligence, your past work experience, your local economy, the global economy, and on and on.

And lets not forget pure luck. Being in the right place at the right time will always beat some stinking piece of paper. Most degrees are definitely not worth $20K or more in student loans.

To end, I'll happily take an ounce of luck over a pound of sheepskins any day of the year.

1 comment:

Unchainedthought@yahoo.com said...

I am not sure what luck is. Please point me to the nearest place this manufactured as I would like to make a purchase as soon as possible.